
Emerald Lake Bow Lake | A Canadian Rocky Mountain Elopement

Melissa Blunden

Becca + Brandon A Real Love Story

Becca and Brandon have been planning their Canadian Rocky Mountain Elopement for nearly two years to the Rockies from Scranton PA and we were all SO EXCITED to finally meet in person after so long conversing on videos calls and phone calls, trying to plan and replan their international trip here. Their Canadian Rocky Mountain Elopement was Becca’s first time on a plane, and their first international trip together. When I walked up the steps to their cabin at the Emerald Lake Lodge and knocked on the door, I was vibrating with excitement!

Even with the best laid plans (including hiking to a waterfall I haven’t shot an elopement at yet), an extremely loud thunderstorm rolled into Yoho National Park like I had never seen before. The thunder echoed off the mountains and across the lake as the lightning hit and rainfall caused the rivers and gorge to swell. With safety in mind, we decided to change plans from hiking the river and falls and backtrack east, towards the Icefields and for some dreamy Bow Lake Elopement images. This helped us to get out of the storms path, while still making the best use of their time. I wouldn’t change that for a minute because it meant car pooling and the entire time was spent laughing, sharing embarrassing stories, secret handshakes and amazing cheese while we jumped out at every gorgeous spot along the way.

The full day together (this is a perfect example of an 8 hours day) ended with an emotional and beautiful sunset ceremony lake side, with a Tibetan singing bowl and circle ceremony, while Becca + Brandon read their vows (an Alexander DeLeon song).
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for having me be part of your experience here in Canada. Words do not do justice to the honour it was to join you for your Emerald Lake Elopement and the amount of trust you gave to me over the years to create this space for you.
It was hard to pick, but here are a few of my favourites from their full day Canadian Rocky Mountain Elopement, including the Emerald Lake and Bow Lake elopement adventure images.

Officiant: Circle and Ceremonies Ceremony Venue: Emerald Lake Lodge

I hope you enjoyed this classic Canadian Rocky Mountain Elopement at Bow Lake elopement & at Emerald Lake elopement To see more rainy or moody weather adventure elopements and intimate weddings, please make sure to read about my Ya Ha Tinda Elopement and this Columbia River Gorge Adventure. If you are looking for something dramatic, like a Helicopter elopement adventure, make sure to read this Marvel Pass Heli Elopement, Lodge at Panther River Elopement, and this Lake of the Falls Heli Elopement!


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